Thursday, 1 October 2009

Why this war on Hinduism?

Organiser,2005 Issues > November 20, 2005

Why this war on Hinduism?
By George Thundiparambil(This is an article written in response to Atam Vetta?s ?A dialogue between the Hindu diaspora and American Christians? which appeared in Organiser dated October 9. It is the first part of a two-part response to the call given by Shri K. S. Sudarshan for suggestions to counter the evangelists in India. The writer is an Indian and a free-lance writer and translator based in Freiburg, Germany. His interest is religion. He can be contacted at

What would you do if someone declared a war on you? Old wisdom says there are two options in such a scenario. Resist and fight back with all your might, even if the enemy is the strongest of giants. Or, if you cannot stomach the fight, switch sides and join the enemy!

In the fight against evangelists and jihadis, Hindus too have the choice. Fight and save dharma, or convert and submit to adharma! The enemies are not targeting the Hindus? material wealth, but their spiritual wealth accumulated over numerous millennia by the immense yagas of their ancestors.

Shri K. S. Sudarshan?s request for suggestions to counter the war of conversions declared by the evangelists is legitimate and the need of the hour. But Atam Vetta?s advice (Organiser, October 9) to make friends with Christian extremists of the West sounds silly, if not utterly ludicrous. He advises Hindus to initiate a ?Christian-Hindu bhai bhai? campaign. Vetta?s proposal could be extended to Al Qaeda and pray that even though the jihadi attacks would not stop immediately, there is a hope!

Even if the enemy were your brother, Hindu wisdom advises against making compromises with adharma. The greatest expositor of dharma, Sage Vyasa, speaks at the end of Mahabharata: ?Dharma is that by which everything endures. It is the substratum of everything. It is untranslatable into any language. Through desire for wealth or out of greed or fear, do not give up dharma, aye even to save your own life. Dharma is eternal happiness.?

If the Christian and Islamic clergy do not propagate and force their ideologies down the throats of unsuspecting or helpless people through dubious means, or do not force them to stay on with censure and punishment, their religions would be wiped out. Europe is a primary example.

The underlying scriptural dynamics that make Muslims target Hindus is the same as those which make the Christians target Hindus. From the Hindu point of view, there is no difference perceivable between these two enemies, since it is the fundamental Hindu belief system that these two oppose. These two hostile ideologies, flawed because they are not based on human experience but on spurious and fantastic literature, are based on a priori illusion that human beings are genetically flawed and can be redeemed only by symbolic conversion and the acceptance of their bookish deity. These two religious groups target Hindus because they cannot tolerate the ideas tacitly mooted by the Hindu way of life that human beings are originally good and that dharma is innate and natural.

The phenomenal Hindu tolerance of other creeds, even of Christianity and Islam, arise from the fundamental belief that humans are basically innocent and that dharma is the innate element that connects with eternity. Individual freedom finds its utmost expression in human existence and propels every individual by his/her karma towards redemption and ultimate happiness. Ironically, it is this belief itself that makes the Hindu vulnerable to these two hostile religions, for the Hindus mistake these creeds for dharma and think of these two religions as valid as their own. This is the fundamental mistake Hindus should avoid in their defence against Christian and Islamic aggression.

Islam and Christianity by their fundamentally mooted concept of natural evil are natural enemies of the Hindu notion that humans, like all other beings, are born with the inherent right to redemption by their own means, whatever it may be. So, at the crux of things, there is a fundamental gulf between the Hindu standpoint and the Christian-Islamic standpoint that can never be bridged. Christianity and Islam sense this gulf much more than the Hindus, because their unnatural ideologies rightly perceive the mere continuance of the Hindu as a threat to their sustenance. For these primitive but acute intellects, the mere existence of the Hindu is a danger, because they unwittingly accept that their aberrant creed cannot subsist and grow naturally side by side with the Hindu (the natural religionists) without the aggressive pursuance of their ideological objectives such as evangelisation or jihad, combined with moral police, inquisition and the like.

For instance, if the Christian and Islamic clergy do not propagate and force their sterile ideologies down the throats of unsuspecting or helpless people through dubious means, or do not force them to stay on with censure and punishment, their religions would be wiped out in decades. Europe is a primary example. They also know that if all kinds of people were to become educated and come to know their rights and discern what is right and wrong (as mentioned in Genesis), the only religions that would continue to thrive would be Hinduism and all those natural religions that assume humankind and all natural existence as innocent and originally good. Moreover, they also know that the followers of natural religions can easily and fearlessly conduct pious lives without the need of a professional clergy or organised institutions to preach goodness or to carry out acts of compassion. Goodness and compassion are innate in every creature, at least as long as there are no professional god men walking around preaching original evil and hate. But most Hindus, like Atam Vetta, are not aware of the real nature of the enemy, or the war declared upon them.

Hindu wisdom advises against making compromises with adharma. The greatest expositor of dharma, Sage Vyasa, speaks at the end of Mahabharata: ?Dharma is that by which everything endures. It is the substratum of everything. It is untranslatable into any language. Through desire for wealth or out of greed or fear, do not give up dharma, aye even to save your own life. Dharma is eternal happiness.?

The USA might remain a world super power for a long time to come, and the NeoCons (or by whatever names these Christian fanatics are called) might have a say in the US government for all time to come, but what can a Hindu (under attack) in India gain by making friends with these insane men, who are practically the same kind as all bin Ladens of this world? George Bush?s fight against Islamic terrorism might evoke a false sense of camaraderie with him and his entourage, but it is worthwhile to keep in mind that Bush is the major member of a big team from all over the world collecting money and resources for organisations and individuals who have vowed to convert all the remaining heathens of this world.

One might ask at this point: Why this obsession with the heathen? The motivational reason is twin pronged and a bit abstract, but nothing beyond easy comprehension by a simile. The first is based on cause and effect: if there is light, even a faint light, total darkness cannot prevail. Dharma is light and adharma is darkness. As long as the Hindu exists, the natural goodness that is dharma exists, and in the presence of dharma, adharma can prevail neither conceptually nor qualitatively. Darkness can prevail only in the absence of light. Therefore, for Christianity and Islam to prevail, they have to annihilate Hindu dharma. That is the innate force that drives the two adharmic forces to target Hinduism as the remaining and only hindrance to pursuing their scriptural objectives. Hindu dharma is the lamp these two asuric forces want to extinguish, so that their evil ideologies can prevail. Unfortunately, many Hindus fail to perceive their enemies as the forces of darkness.

The second prong of the enemy motivation is related to their spurious books, which verbally buttress the necessity to suppress the light of dharma. It is expressly mentioned in the Bible that the Christian objective of establishing perpetual adharma (?Kingdom of Heaven? in their terms) on earth can occur only if the remaining heathens either convert or perish. For the NeoCon fanatics, the two things that stand between them and their scriptural objective, which is the materialisation of the prophecy of doom (biblical apocalypse), are the Hindu heathens and the remaining stable ecology of the planet. According to their diabolical book, their Prophet of doom (Jesus Christ) will appear before them and take them to the netherworld of sinners only when no heathen exists on this earth and our blessed planet earth is completely destroyed.

As long as a Hindu lives and as long as a virgin tree stands on this earth, the two demonic religions and their ideologies cannot prevail. They know it, and hence the declaration of war on Hindus. The only redemption these two alien and hostile religions can offer human beings is the eternity of doom (as looked forward to by Christians and Muslims), which Hindus call adharma. It is the dharma of all Hindus to save Sanatana Dharma and offer all humankind the eternity of freedom and goodness. In order for dharma to prevail, all the Hindus have to do is to remain unconquered; whatever might be its costs. Not to let the light go out, so to speak. For this purpose, it is the imminent need of the Hindu community to organise and chart out an overarching and global plan to combat and subdue the enemies who scheme and work for their extinction.

(To be continued?)

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