Thursday, 1 October 2009

A plot to conquer India by conversion

Organiser,2008 Issues > November 02, 2008

A plot to conquer India by conversion
By JG Arora

Hindus in India and Nepal are prime targets for this harvest of faith. Even if old horrors like Goa Inquisition (1560 to 1812) heaped on Hindus by the church are kept aside, what is happening now is equally horrible.

The so-called ?secular? India has proved to be a disaster for Hindus. To prevent the creation of more Pakistans and Bangladeshs on Bharat?s soil by countless Pak-Bangla terrorists and infiltrators, and to prevent more Hindu lands (like North-East India) going to missionaries, ?secular India? has to be transformed into ?Hindu Bharat?.

Since Bharat has forgotten its ancient Sanskrit adage, ?Shathe shaathyam samaacharet? (treat the wicked in his own wicked way), its tormentors are having a free run.

Expansionist forces are waging a relentless war to demolish Hinduism and Hindu civilisation the way they have already wiped out many native religions and cultures from Europe, America, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, numerous Islands and parts of Asia.

On August 23, 2008, just before Krishnajanmashtami, an important Hindu festival, 84 years old Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati and four other Hindu sages were gunned down in girls hostel at Kandhamal in Orissa. Their only crime was that they were resisting fraudulent conversions by foreign-funded Christian missionaries.

At present, the worst problems faced by India are the demographic invasion by crores of Pak-Bangla infiltrators, and conversion of Hindus to Christianity through fraud and charade of charity by missionaries.

If Pak-Bangla combine wants to Islamise India through countless terrorists and infiltrators, missionaries want to Christianise India through unlimited foreign funds.

Unilateral war
Though religious freedom can never mean the freedom to convert; and though in 1977, vide its judgement reported as Rev. Stainislaus v. State of Madhya Pradesh (AIR 1977 SC 908), the Supreme Court held that Article 25 (1) of Indian Constitution does not grant any right to convert any person to one?s own religion, there is no halt to aggressive evangelisation.

While addressing missionaries in New Delhi on November 7, 1999, the late Pope John Paul II gave a call to convert Asia to Christianity as follows:-

?Just as the first millennium saw the cross firmly planted in the soil of Europe, and the second in that of America and Africa, so may the Third Christian Millennium witness a great harvest of faith on this vast and vital continent.?

And his successor and present Pope Benedict XVI reiterated conversion agenda with the words, ?The church is by its very nature missionary; its first task is evangelisation.?

Hindus in India and Nepal are prime targets for this harvest of faith. Even if old horrors like Goa Inquisition (1560 to 1812) heaped on Hindus by the church are kept aside, what is happening now is equally horrible.

Having already conquered North-East India, many global missionary organisations are sending enormous funds to non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in India for converting Hindus to Christianity through fraud, allurement and coercion.

Reinhard Bonnke, the global evangelist famous for his crusades in Africa, has diverted his attention to India. Pat Robertson, the American founder of Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), also wants aggressive evangelisation of India.

Missionaries are far superior in marketing than any MBA. Within a few decades, they converted Buddhist South Korea into a Christian majority country. And they want to repeat that success in India.

Conversion blitzkrieg
Missionary activity in India is aimed at destroying Hindu religion and culture; and has nothing to do with spirituality. While many Hindu religious leaders are parroting the dangerous falsity that all religions are the same (sarvadharmasambhav), missionaries are demolishing Hinduism by converting Hindus.

Several global missionary organisations were running a co-ordinated conversion campaign in India known as AD 2000. These activities were later brought under the Joshua Project.

Joshua Project is a war-like project to invade and Christianise India. It has collected the necessary population data about each village and town in India, and has prepared the area specific strategy to bring maximum conversions.

All over India, churches are being built even in remote villages (with no Christian population) to Christianise the local populations. Entire India is facing a blitzkrieg of missionary aggression.

As reported in a section of media, D. Ron Watts, a Canadian missionary and Dorothy Watts, his American wife, and their cohorts have converted several lakhs of vulnerable Hindus to Christianity in Andhra Pradesh during the last few years. Though they came to India on Business visas, they were engaged in conversions violating their visa terms.

Tamil Nadu government?s revocation of anti-conversion law has further boosted conversions in Tamil Nadu.

Missionaries are targetting Sikhs too; and after converting 56 Sikhs to Christianity at Goindwal Sahib, a Sikh holy place in Punjab in 2005, they have stepped up such activities.

Fraudulent exploitation
Conversion of vulnerable Hindus through fraud and inducement is a big industry in India employing hundreds of thousands of missionaries wearing the mask of social service. More Hindus they convert, more money they get.

In his write-up, ?The war against Hinduism?, Stephen Knapp has described various subterfuges employed to get convert to Christianity in India. Missionaries give loans to vulnerable Hindus who cannot repay. The said loans stand waived the moment the debtors become Christian. And more rewards await those who bring more Hindus to the church. He has also described stage-managed mass healings for mass conversions. And then there are ?miracle boxes? kept in churches where the poor can write their wishes which are fulfilled to bring them to Christianity.

To induce conversions, some missionaries bear Hindu names, dress like Hindu sannyasis, and call their organisations Ashrams.

Evangelists treat natural calamities as opportunities to purchase new converts. They offer relief to helpless victims of tragedy in exchange of their religion. Tsunami that struck Tamil Nadu in 2004 saw mass proselytisation of vulnerable Hindus. At some places hit by tsunami, Christian groups refused to give relief supplies when the victims refused to change their faith.

Predators or ?victims??
Missionaries pretend to be ?victims? if their predatory attempts at proselytisation are resisted.

Recent circulation of a number of contrived stories about the alleged attacks on Christians in mainstream anti-Hindu media suppresses the fact that Hindu reaction in Orissa was triggered by the murder of Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati, and in Karnataka by denigration of Hindu gods in the book, Satya Darshini? distributed by some missionaries.

Unfortunately, most of the mainstream media in India is anti-Hindu, and hides missionary aggression. But it dubs those resenting this aggression as ?communal?. While the said media ignored the outrageous murder of Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati, as also the denigration of Hinduism in Satya Darshini, it over-blew the natural Hindu reaction following these appalling attacks on Hindus and Hindu faith.

Way out
Since those who behave like sheep, are eaten by the wolves, much of the injury suffered by Hindus is self-inflicted by their capitulation before their tormentors.

Ever since 1947, Indian government?s policy of perverse secularism (which in reality means anti-Hinduism) has been leading to gradual liquidation of Hindu Bharat.

The so-called ?secular? India has proved to be a disaster for Hindus. To prevent the creation of more Pakistans and Bangladeshs on Bharat?s soil by countless Pak-Bangla terrorists and infiltrators, and to prevent more Hindu lands (like North-East India) going to missionaries, ?secular India ? has to be transformed into ?Hindu Bharat?.

Logically, in 1947, on India?s Partition on religious basis and creation of Pakistan as demanded by Muslims, Bharat should have been declared a Hindu nation. But the problem can be solved even now by declaring Bharat a Hindu country. No one can object to Bharat being declared a Hindu nation when all the 57 Muslim-majority countries are declared as Islamic countries, and many Christian majority countries are Christian countries.

Hindu Bharat will give justice to all and appease none. In Hindu Bharat, there will be one law and one nation; no distinction of majority and minority; and no discrimination, whatsoever, against any community.

Apart from protecting Bharat?s Hindu identity, Hindu Bharat will crush the daily Pak-Bangla terrorist attacks and demographic invasion, as also foreign-funded missionaries? conversion menace. Hindu Bharat will ban the inflow of foreign funds meant for subversion and conversion, and will also ban conversions effected by fraud, allurement or coercion. Hindu Bharat will also remove laws which discriminate against Hindus.

Accordingly, for the very survival of Hindus and Hinduism, all pro-Hindu individuals and organisations must unite to transform India into a Hindu nation by all peaceful, constitutional and lawful means.

Hindu Bharat will ensure that Hinduism survives and prevails. And that will be the apt tribute to Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati and his associates who sacrificed their lives while defending Hinduism.

(The writer is former Chief Commissioner of Income Tax and can be contacted at

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