Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Stop politics of anti-Hindu minorityism

Organiser,2007 Issues > April 29, 2007


Stop politics of anti-Hindu minorityism
By Ravi Varma

Wherever they had spread and established themselves in the world, proponents of Christianity and Islam had first destroyed the indigenous culture, traditions and religion of the country before imposing their strange and crude religious practices on the local people, invariably by brute force or despicable methods.

Only Hindus of Bharat were able to resist and preserve their ancient civilisations, religious beliefs and traditions all these years in spite of devilish brutalities of Muslim invaders and later by organised Christian churches with the active support of their colonial armies in India.

There is a well-orchestrated propaganda mounted in India and abroad to condemn Hinduism as a religion of violence, hatred and social discrimination. And at the same time, Semitic religions of Christianity and Islam of foreign origin are glorified and publicized as divine messages of universal love, brotherhood and non-violence. This is a travesty of truth as per their own preaching and practices. Therefore, if such pernicious and scandalous utterances against Hindus and Hinduism by the high priests of Christianity and Islam and their secularist cronies of India do not stop voluntarily, resurgent Hindu youth of the country will be compelled to forcibly stop them. The new generation of Hindu youth has already shed their timidity and cowardice to some extent. It is becoming clearer to them that unless they are forcibly stopped, challenged, rebutted and exposed to the core, dark forces of the Semitic religions of foreign origin and their mercenary secularist friends here will not only vulgarize Hinduism, but will also play havoc in the country by destroying social amity, integrity, traditions and cultural unity of Hindus in India and even Indian nationality. Purpose of this short article, which is based on widely known and documented historical events, is intended not only to rebut the above pernicious propaganda against Hindus and Hindustan but also to show the ugly faces of the exponents of Christianity and Islam to Hindus.

It is through the preachings and practices of their priests and their devout co-religionists that values, principles and philosophical contents of the religion and social culture concerned can be properly assessed. In short, social behaviours and personal habits of a person are sufficient to indicate his cultural background and social status of his family also. Therefore, more emphasis is given to the preachings and practices of the high priests of Christianity and Islam so that we will be able to better understand the philosophy and basic principles of the above Semitic religions.

Strange philosophy that is Mlechhatvam
Both Christianity and Islam are offshoots of the original Semitic religion, viz. Judaism. It is interesting to note here that the high priest of these two derivative religions, i.e. Christianity & Islam, openly advocate and encourage their followers to attack, torture and even murder all those who refuse to accept or get converted to their faiths. These religious teachers also assert and declare that Christians and Muslims have a divine mandate to subjugate and convert the entire humanity to their respective faiths by any means?fair or foul. Therefore both fundamentalist Christian priests and Islamic mullahs have no hesitation to glorify and justify even despicable acts such as murder, genocide, torture, rape and abduction against other religionists as part of their holy wars of religious conversion and conquest?Christians call it by the name ?crusades? and Islamists as ?jehad?. In addition, those who die or are killed during the course of these ?holy? wars are hailed as saints and shaheeds (martyrs.) Apparently all these violent devilish acts are sanctioned and even encouraged by their religious leaders most often swearing by or referring to their holy book?the Bible and the Quran. The above short sketches of the religious leaders of Christianity and Islam are sufficient to understand the basic principles of Christianity and Islam. It is their paid agents and cronies in India who praise and appease Christians and Islamists as vanguards of divine religions, committed to preaching and practicing universal love, brotherhood, peace, tolerance and non-violence. Some of these admirers are unfortunately Hindus. It would have been better if they had voluntarily converted themselves to Christianity or Islam along with their families. That would be very good riddance.

The strange or Mlechha philosophy of both Semitic religions seems to the civilised people of India, the Hindus, as judged from their preachings and practices in the country, as mutually exclusive, mutually destructive and violently intolerant. They do not believe in practising co-existence with other faiths, nor do they tolerate dissent or dissidence from within their own religious communities. Their hostile intolerance and exclusiveness can best be assessed by the behaviour of different religious groups known as denominations, sects or social castes within the Christian and Muslim communities worldwide. For example, Catholics, Protestants, Lutherans, Methodists, Baptists, Jacobites, Suriyanis, Marthomas, Pulaya or Dalit Christians, who are Christians by heredity or conversion having blind faith in their holy Bible, will never allow another caste group even to perform prayers, baptisms, weddings or burials in their exclusive churches because they are all mutually exclusive and inimical to one another. And these Christians want Hindus to believe and admire them as the most tolerant religious community committed to non-violence and coexistence in the world. In the medieval periods, skirmishes, battles, and wars were very frequent between these mutually exclusive, intolerant and destructive Christian castes.

Similarly among Muslims also, there are dozens of mutually exclusive inimical and intolerant religious sub-castes within their community such as Sunnis, Shias, Kurdish, Bohras, Khojas, Aga Khanis, Druse, Ahmadiyas, besides others of African and tribal variants who do not even recognise everyone else as true Muslims. And therefore, they do not socially inter-mingle or allow one another to conduct prayers, marriages, sunnat or burials in their separate and exclusive mosques or by their imams. Unfortunately, even after long contacts and tragic experience with them for centuries, the Hindus in India have not fully and properly understood their strange customs and philosophies because of the persistent propaganda and inducement by their Hindu ?secularists? of various colours.

It should not be forgotten that wherever they had spread and established themselves in the world, proponents of Christianity and Islam had first destroyed the indigenous culture, traditions and religion of the country before imposing their strange and crude religious practices on the local people, invariably by brute force or despicable methods. This is true throughout the world as revealed in all historical records pertaining to different countries, whether in Palestine (old Jerusalem) Arabia, Persia, Mesopotamia, Europe or Asia, and even in the Americas. See the plight of Jews during the Second World War in Christian Europe right under the nose of the Pope in the Vatican. Nobody condemned effectively the Holocaust against Jews in the Christian world! Conquest and destruction of Persia having an ancient civilisation by the vanguards of Arabian Islam and their brutalities there resulted in wiping out of their religion, cultural values and heritage in Iran as later by Christians in the Americas, where there was a flourishing ancient civilisation and culture. Same was the fate of Buddhists in Islamic Afghanistan even recently and Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists in other Muslim countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia and Malaysia even today. What happened to the Red Indians in the Americas and the Aborigines in New Zealand and Australia when European Christians migrated there in their thousands is well known. In the African continent also, victims of Islamic and Christian brutalities were poor indigenous people during their religious wars of conversion and conquest there for spreading Islam or Christianity. Only Hindus of Bharat were able to resist and preserve their ancient civilisations, religious beliefs and traditions all these years in spite of devilish brutalities of Muslim invaders and later by organised Christian churches with the active support of their colonial armies in India. That is the wellknown philosophy and background of both Islam and Christianity and also the experience of the entire world, more so of Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs of India till today. That is the short and real history of Christianity and Islam, which Hindu ?secularists? praise and glorify as divine messages of universal love, brotherhood, peace and non-violence!

Magnanimity of Hindus of Bharat
As all historians and Hindus know, Kerala had long traditional trade contacts with the outside world?Africa, Mesopotamia, Rome and China even before the birth of Christ and Prophet Mohammed. Therefore, traders from those countries very well knew the peaceful nature and universality and high principles of Hindu religion and civilised Hindu society. Under those circumstances, in keeping with the traditions, customs and cultures of Hindus, the Hindu kings of Kerala had no difficulty in allowing traders from those countries of different customs and cultures to continue their trade and also to settle down in the Hindu country of Kerala and live there peacefully without disturbing the local customs and religious practices even after their change of religious faith to Islam or Christianity. They were all treated only as another caste group like Nairs, Ezhavas and other of the broad amorphous Hindu society, but with foreign affiliations. It is interesting to note that Christianity reached Kerala much before the arrival of Islam.

In such a civilised Hindu country of Kerala, it was not surprising that an ordinary but loyal and capable Muslim trader from the fishermen community was raised to the status of a local chieftain and naval chief, viz. Kunjali Marakkar, by the Zamorin Rajas of Kozhikode. (It is another matter that the last Kunjali Marakkar revolted against and betrayed the benevolent Zamorin family decades later, mainly due to his Islamic ambitions.) On another occasion, the Raja of Chirakkal near Kannur willingly gave his daughter in marriage to a Muslim youth, who had saved her from drowning. Besides, the Raja blessed the couple not only with substantial properties from her Arackal Nambiar family (now extinct), but also conferred on his daughter the title of ?Arackal Bibi?. Her consort, who was from an ordinary Muslim family, was honoured with the title of ?Arackal Ali Raja? in traditional Kerala Hindu customs following matrilineal system of inheritance. Even today, family of the Arackal Bibi follows the matriarchal system of inheritance; the senior-most female member of the family is respected as the Arackal Bibi and the senior-most male member as the Arackal Ali Raja (and not the consort of the Bibi.) Such was the cultural influence of Kerala Hindu society on local Muslims who were then peace loving and socially absorbed within Kerala society. Then again, during the reign of Rama Varma Sakthan Thampuran of Kochi, a capable Muslim youth was appointed as his personal bodyguard and conferred with the title Nettur Thangal with authority over the local Muslim community. Till recently, the senior-most member of the family enjoyed the privilege of attending on the King of Kochi as his personal bodyguard, and entitled to participate as an honoured guest in all state events of the Kochi kingdom, including the most important annual Athachamayam procession.

(To be continued)

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